Ozh's Portfolio of Personal Projects and Online Presences

Here is what I'm about during my hobby time.
Mostly geek stuff, I'm afraid



If it's not a support question of any kind, be my guest and contact me. Send an email to ozh at this domain.

(for support, please refer to where you got the product)



A lot of my code is on Github, especially everything about YOURLS. Follow me!

Visit Github

Life, AFK

Life, AFK

When not coding and playing Quake, I try to spend time far away from computers. One of the thing I love the most is... wine. Oh my god so many celestial flavors to taste and discover!

WordPress Plugin Development

I wrote a book! Hobbyist, amateurs, web agencies, freelancers: all about WordPress Plugin Development



For fun I create t-shirts. It started as a few geek stuff made for myself and the love of Git. Quality products from RedBubble.

Visit T-Shirts



My profile on Last.fm, for those who dig music and stats.

Favorite bands of all time: Suicidal Tendencies, Be'lakor.

Visit last.fm

WordPress Plugins

WordPress Plugins

I released a lot of free plugins to make your everyday life with WordPress easier. More than one million downloads!

Visit WordPress Plugins



I love to meet small or big audiences and talk about subjects I deal with in life.

My favorite topics: team management; unit testing :)

French Frag Factory

French Frag Factory

I have founded and managed the biggest French speaking community site about Quake.

Est. 1999. Not for the noobz.

Visit French Frag Factory



My Twitter account. Mostly about WordPress and YOURLS, and the everyday geekitude.

Visit @ozh



My blog. A bit about my life and a lot of code projects. I have been somehow well known in the WordPress community and have released a number of plugins and tutorials.

Visit planetOzh



I make YOURLS (Your Own URL Shortener), the 𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜 standard solution in PHP to shorten links. 80+ contributors, 220K+ users, open source.


Underwater bubbles

Underwater bubbles

In the summer I usually say Good Bye to my computer and go for a zen dive, deep down the big blue.

Best places I've been to: the Red Sea and New Caledonia.



A nice little site that transform your long ugly email address into a cute short URL that is safe and spambot-proof to share on Twitter, Facebook and other sites. Sold in 2010.

Visit scr.im